Instead of talking about the typical tri-specific jargon on this third edition of Metzler's Musings (coaching, travel, racing, training, etc.), I thought it would be fun to spice things up a little bit and answer a couple of questions that I get all of the time. I'm going to do an honest reflection of myself here and leave everything on the table. So if you like it, great. If you don't, then sorry. But I pride myself on being as honest and transparent as possible and I want all of the people that enjoy what I have to say to get the best sense of the kind of guy I am. So here we go...
Question #1- Now that your (practically) done with college, isn't it time for you to get a real job?
And rush into being miserable? Hell no! I'm going to milk this ride as long as humanly possible. I wake up every morning excited to do what I am doing and I highly doubt the majority of recent college graduates (or near college graduates) can say the same thing. There are plenty of people who are content with moseying down the traditional path of life and you know what? Good for them. But when I look back on my early 20's, I don't ever want to ask myself the question- "What if...?"
Question #2- How are you going to make any money doing this?
I'm not. Not right now anyways... I am looking at this point my career as an investment. A few small prize winnings and some sponsor bonuses will keep the lights on but I am far, far away from paying the rent on my own. Let alone the grocery bill.... Could I cherry pick a few races, collect some more money and say I'm actually "making it" as a professional? Probably. But my goals and dreams are more important than chasing the dough right now. It also does not hurt that all I have to support is myself. No wife, no kids, no obligations, no responsibility. Not having those pressures allows me to focus on what is most important for the progression of my career. And until I start to make some money, I really have no room for those those distractions in my life.
Question #3- You seem like a nice enough guy, why don't you have a girlfriend?
This one comes back to the end of my answer to question #2. To be completely honest, I would be a terrible boyfriend. I have to be selfish. And from the limited relationships I have had in the past and witnessing other's successful relationships now, I fully understand it's a two-way street. Maybe someone will come along who will completely understand or will have to make the same sacrifices of her own but with 8:30pm bed times, a strict diet and an idea of a good night being a Netflix marathon, I'm certainly narrowing the field of candidates. With that being said, I wouldn't turn down a nice lady-friend should we happen to cross paths. In the meantime, I'm doin' me.
Question #4- Don't you let loose every once in a while?
No. But here is why... People outside of triathlon don't understand and a large majority of people within triathlon don't understand either. There are plenty of top triathletes who can flip the switch and go from hard-core training mode to slamming burgers and beers with the guys. That's not me. I don't have a switch. I'm completely on, all of the time. Some may perceive this as a negative trait but when you look at the best 0.01% of of worlds sporting elite, I would bet more people are like me than my beer-chugging counterparts. We are a different breed and there is a fire inside. Maybe I have something to prove or maybe I just have a few screws loose. At the end of the day, I'm not going to change so don't ask me to try a bite of pizza or take a shot of vodka. Not going to happen!
Question #5- Are you worried about getting burned out?
This is another big one that I get all of the time... People see my passion, my drive and motivation and are afraid I am using it all up while I am still so young. Although I am only 21-years old, I have been doing this sport for 8 years, nearly half of my athletically-capable life and have never, not once, wavered in excitement. Before triathlon I was floundering, searching for direction, destine for darker pastures. But ever since I have found this calling, my life has felt whole. I have direction, focus and vision for the future. I'm going to continue to ride this wave and don't see it crashing anytime soon.
Question #6- So where is all of this going? What's your end game?
Honestly, I have no idea. The possibilities are endless and the future is only as soon as tomorrow. I take one year, one month and one day at a time. If you look at what I have done so far, I think I have a LOT of runway to go. A lot of "limiters" to address as my coach likes to call it. I am already strong but in so many ways, I can be stronger. I can be better. I can be faster. I would be lying if I didn't have aspirations to be the best in the world. But if give everything I have, I will be happy with however my triathlon career, and life for that matter, turns out.
Thanks for tuning in and please, give me some comments, questions, concerns on Facebook and Twitter! It's great hearing the feedback from the loyal fan base.
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